Client Services - Customer Service Skills

Client Services - Customer Service Skills

Great customer service goes beyond meeting basic needs; it's about creating memorable experiences that leave customers feeling valued and satisfied.

Private Course
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Responsável Ana Gamez
Última Atualização 01-03-2024
Completion Time 14 minutos
Membros 3
Básico Customer Service
  • Communication
    • Client Services - Communication - Dead Air
      10 xp
    • Client Services - Product Knowledge - Assess Expertise
      10 xp
    • Client Services - Communication - Be Interested
      10 xp
    • Explain Terms
      10 xp
  • Listening
    • Active Listening
      10 xp
    • Being a Good Listener
      10 xp
    • Let Them Finish
      10 xp
  • Managing The Call
    • Client Services - Manage The Call - Interrupting or Not
      10 xp
  • Difficult Clients
    • Client Services - Difficult Clients
      10 xp